Merry Christmas to all!

I hope every­one has a great Christ­mas and New Year!

Here is a pic­ture of my best present this year, a water­col­or paint­ing my daugh­ter (age 17) gave me, show­ing San­ta deliv­er­ing presents to bel­u­ga whales (and you can see that one of the bel­u­gas is wear­ing a Christ­mas hat):

San­ta deliv­er­ing presents to bel­u­ga whales might seem like an unusu­al Christ­mas present, but my daugh­ter and I have been in love with bel­u­gas since we vis­it­ed Chica­go when she was 9 years old, and we encoun­tered bel­u­ga whales at Chicago’s Shedd Aquar­i­um. Here are some pic­tures I took on that trip that help explain why we love belugas:

Again, Mer­ry Christmas!

Drew M. Capuder
Fol­low me:

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