Category Archives: Contract Issues

Handbooks and other ways to bypass the employment at will rule

Part 2 of a series on West Virginia employment law

This arti­cle fol­lows up my pri­or blog arti­cle, The Employ­ment at Will Rule in West Vir­ginia. In that arti­cle, I explained the basic con­tours of the employ­ment at will rule.

With the employ­ment at will rule radi­at­ing in the back­ground, there are many ways it can be mod­i­fied or bypassed. All claims relat­ing to dis­crim­i­na­tion and retal­i­a­tion, for exam­ple, mod­i­fy the rule to the extent an excep­tion is cre­at­ed by which the employ­er may not ter­mi­nate the rule for a spe­cif­ic rea­son, such as age.

Scenarios: handbooks and other promises

But this arti­cle focus­es on con­trac­tu­al or con­tract-like lim­i­ta­tions on the employ­ment at will rule. The par­ties (employ­er and employ­ee) can enter into a for­mal employ­ment con­tract that mod­i­fies the employ­ment at will rule. But I am not address­ing that for­mal con­tract in this arti­cle. I am real­ly try­ing to focus on two scenarios:

Con­tin­ue read­ing Hand­books and oth­er ways to bypass the employ­ment at will rule