family of four walking at the street

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): What Employers and Employees Need to Know

Life happens—whether it’s the birth of a child, a seri­ous health con­di­tion, or the need to care for a sick fam­i­ly mem­ber. The Fam­i­ly and Med­ical Leave Act (FMLA) pro­vides eli­gi­ble employ­ees with the right to take unpaid, job-pro­tect­ed leave in these sit­u­a­tions. But FMLA can be tricky, and both employ­ers and employ­ees need to under­stand their rights and responsibilities.

What Is FMLA?

The FMLA is a fed­er­al law that requires cov­ered employ­ers to pro­vide eli­gi­ble employ­ees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for spe­cif­ic med­ical and fam­i­ly-relat­ed rea­sons (29 U.S.C. §2612). Dur­ing this time, employ­ees’ jobs and health ben­e­fits are protected.

Cov­ered rea­sons for FMLA leave include:

  • The birth, adop­tion, or fos­ter place­ment of a child.
  • A seri­ous health con­di­tion that pre­vents an employ­ee from per­form­ing essen­tial job duties.
  • The need to care for a spouse, child, or par­ent with a seri­ous health condition.
  • Qual­i­fy­ing exi­gen­cies relat­ed to a fam­i­ly member’s mil­i­tary service.

Addi­tion­al­ly, the FMLA pro­vides up to 26 weeks of leave for employ­ees car­ing for a cov­ered ser­vice­mem­ber with a seri­ous injury or ill­ness (29 U.S.C. §2619).

What employers are covered by the FMLA?

The Fam­i­ly and Med­ical Leave Act (FMLA) applies to pri­vate-sec­tor employ­ers who employ 50 or more employ­ees with­in 75 miles, as well as pub­lic agen­cies (regard­less of the num­ber of employ­ees) and pub­lic or pri­vate ele­men­tary or sec­ondary schools. Specif­i­cal­ly, the statute states that “employ­er” includes “any pub­lic agency, as defined in sec­tion 203(x) of this title, and includes the gov­ern­ment of a State or polit­i­cal sub­di­vi­sion there­of, and any agency of the Unit­ed States.” (29 U.S.C. § 2611(4)(A)(iii)). This means that not only large pri­vate busi­ness­es, but also fed­er­al, state, and local gov­ern­men­tal employ­ers, are sub­ject to the FMLA.

More­over, the reg­u­la­tions issued under the FMLA clar­i­fy that cov­ered pub­lic employ­ers include “any per­son engaged in com­merce or in any indus­try or activ­i­ty affect­ing com­merce who employs 50 or more employ­ees,” as well as pub­lic agen­cies “regard­less of the num­ber of employ­ees.” (29 C.F.R. §§ 825.104(a), 825.104(b)). Pub­lic agen­cies include state and local gov­ern­ments, their agen­cies and sub­di­vi­sions, as well as fed­er­al employ­ers cov­ered by the FMLA’s requirements.

In short, all pub­lic agencies—federal, state, and local—are cov­ered by the FMLA, even if they have few­er than 50 employ­ees. Pri­vate employ­ers, on the oth­er hand, are cov­ered only if they meet the 50-employ­ee threshold.

Who Is Eligible for FMLA Leave?

Not all employ­ees qual­i­fy for FMLA leave. To be eli­gi­ble, an employ­ee must:

  • Work for an FMLA-cov­ered employ­er (pri­vate employ­ers with 50+ employ­ees, pub­lic agen­cies, and schools).
  • Have worked at least 1,250 hours in the past 12 months.
  • Have been employed with the employ­er for at least 12 months.

Employer Responsibilities Under FMLA

Employ­ers must com­ply with sev­er­al key FMLA oblig­a­tions, including:

  • Pro­vid­ing notice: Employ­ers must inform employ­ees of their FMLA rights and respon­si­bil­i­ties (29 C.F.R. §825.300).
  • Main­tain­ing job pro­tec­tion: Employ­ees must be rein­stat­ed to the same or an equiv­a­lent posi­tion after FMLA leave (29 U.S.C. §2614).
  • Con­tin­u­ing health ben­e­fits: Employ­ers must main­tain employ­ees’ group health insur­ance under the same terms dur­ing FMLA leave (29 U.S.C. §2615).
  • Pro­hibit­ing retal­i­a­tion: Employ­ers can­not inter­fere with or retal­i­ate against employ­ees who exer­cise their FMLA rights (29 U.S.C. §2615(a)).

Common FMLA Issues

Despite its pro­tec­tions, FMLA is often mis­un­der­stood. Here are a few com­mon issues:

  • Inter­mit­tent leave con­fu­sion: Employ­ees can take FMLA leave in small incre­ments instead of all at once, which can be chal­leng­ing for employ­ers to track properly.
  • Med­ical cer­ti­fi­ca­tion dis­putes: Employ­ers can require cer­ti­fi­ca­tion from a health­care provider but must fol­low strict rules about ver­i­fi­ca­tion and sec­ond opinions.
  • Retal­i­a­tion claims: Employ­ees may claim they were fired or demot­ed in retal­i­a­tion for tak­ing FMLA leave, which can lead to cost­ly legal disputes.

West Virginia-Specific Considerations

While the FMLA is a fed­er­al law, West Vir­ginia employ­ees may have addi­tion­al pro­tec­tions under state laws. For exam­ple, West Vir­ginia pro­vides spe­cif­ic leave pro­tec­tions for pub­lic employ­ees and cer­tain school employ­ees (W. Va. Code §18A‑4–10). Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ees may be eli­gi­ble for tem­po­rary dis­abil­i­ty ben­e­fits dur­ing unpaid leave through the state’s work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion program.

Best Practices for Employers

To avoid FMLA-relat­ed legal trou­ble, employ­ers should:

  • Devel­op clear FMLA poli­cies and com­mu­ni­cate them to employees.
  • Train man­agers on how to han­dle FMLA requests properly.
  • Keep accu­rate records of leave requests, approvals, and denials.
  • Ensure com­pli­ance with both fed­er­al and state laws.

What Employees Should Do

Employ­ees plan­ning to take FMLA leave should:

  • Noti­fy their employ­er as soon as pos­si­ble, ide­al­ly 30 days in advance.
  • Pro­vide required med­ical cer­ti­fi­ca­tion if requested.
  • Stay informed about their rights under the law.


FMLA pro­vides impor­tant pro­tec­tions for employ­ees while ensur­ing that employ­ers can main­tain busi­ness oper­a­tions. Under­stand­ing the rules can help both par­ties avoid dis­putes and make the leave process smoother. Whether you’re an employ­er han­dling FMLA requests or an employ­ee seek­ing leave, know­ing your rights and respon­si­bil­i­ties is key.

Drew M. Capuder
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