empty cathedral seats and hallway with lights turned on

Religious Discrimination in the Workplace: Rights and Responsibilities

Reli­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion in the work­place is a grow­ing issue in employ­ment law, affect­ing both employ­ers and employ­ees. With an increas­ing­ly diverse work­force, under­stand­ing legal pro­tec­tions and oblig­a­tions regard­ing reli­gious beliefs and prac­tices is essen­tial. Let’s dive into how fed­er­al and state laws han­dle reli­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion and what both employ­ers and employ­ees should know.

What Is Religious Discrimination?

Reli­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion occurs when an employ­er treats an employ­ee unfa­vor­ably because of their reli­gious beliefs or prac­tices. This includes:

  • Hir­ing and fir­ing deci­sions based on religion.
  • Deny­ing pro­mo­tions, rais­es, or job assign­ments due to reli­gious beliefs.
  • Harass­ment relat­ed to an employee’s faith.
  • Fail­ure to pro­vide rea­son­able accom­mo­da­tions for reli­gious practices.

Fed­er­al law pro­hibits reli­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion under Title VII of the Civ­il Rights Act of 1964, which applies to employ­ers with 15 or more employ­ees (42 U.S.C. § 2000e‑2). West Virginia’s Human Rights Act pro­vides sim­i­lar pro­tec­tions at the state lev­el and applies to employ­ers with 12 or more employ­ees with­in West Vir­ginia (W. Va. Code § 16B-17–9).

Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Practices

Employ­ers must pro­vide rea­son­able accom­mo­da­tions for an employee’s reli­gious beliefs and prac­tices unless doing so would cause an undue hard­ship. Com­mon accom­mo­da­tions include:

  • Flex­i­ble sched­ul­ing for reli­gious observances.
  • Dress code exemp­tions for reli­gious attire (e.g., hijabs, tur­bans, yarmulkes).
  • Prayer breaks dur­ing work hours.

The Supreme Court has clar­i­fied that employ­ers must prove an accom­mo­da­tion would impose a sub­stan­tial bur­den before deny­ing it (Groff v. DeJoy, 600 U.S. 447 (2023)).

Religious Harassment in the Workplace

Reli­gious harass­ment includes offen­sive remarks, jokes, or actions that cre­ate a hos­tile work envi­ron­ment. While occa­sion­al teas­ing may not be ille­gal, repeat­ed or severe harass­ment that affects work con­di­tions can vio­late Title VII (EEOC v. Aber­crom­bie & Fitch Stores, Inc., 575 U.S. 768 (2015)).

Employ­ers should:

  • Have a clear anti-harass­ment pol­i­cy cov­er­ing reli­gious discrimination.
  • Inves­ti­gate com­plaints promptly.
  • Train man­agers and employ­ees on work­place diver­si­ty and inclusion.

What Employers Can and Cannot Do

Employ­ers can:

  • Ask about work avail­abil­i­ty but can­not tar­get reli­gious holidays.
  • Enforce neu­tral dress codes unless accom­mo­da­tions are requested.
  • Main­tain pro­duc­tiv­i­ty stan­dards as long as they do not discriminate.

Employ­ers can­not:

  • Require employ­ees to par­tic­i­pate in or refrain from reli­gious activities.
  • Treat employ­ees dif­fer­ent­ly based on religion.
  • Retal­i­ate against employ­ees for request­ing reli­gious accommodations.

What Employees Should Do If They Face Religious Discrimination

Employ­ees who believe they’ve been dis­crim­i­nat­ed against should:

  1. Doc­u­ment inci­dents of dis­crim­i­na­tion or harassment.
  2. Report con­cerns to HR or a supervisor.
  3. File a com­plaint with the EEOC with­in 180 days (or 300 days if a state agency enforces sim­i­lar laws).
  4. Seek legal coun­sel if the issue remains unresolved.


Reli­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion laws pro­tect both employ­ees’ rights to prac­tice their faith and employ­ers’ rights to man­age their work­force. Clear poli­cies, open com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and legal com­pli­ance can help cre­ate a fair and inclu­sive workplace.

Drew M. Capuder
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