person holding iphone showing social networks folder

The Legal Implications of Employee Social Media Use

Social media has trans­formed how peo­ple com­mu­ni­cate, but it has also cre­at­ed legal chal­lenges in the work­place. Employ­ers want to pro­tect their rep­u­ta­tion and con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion, while employ­ees want to express them­selves freely. The big ques­tion is: how much con­trol can an employ­er legal­ly exert over an employee’s social media activ­i­ty? Let’s break it down.

Can Employers Restrict Employee Social Media Use?

Yes, but with lim­i­ta­tions. Employ­ers can imple­ment social media poli­cies to safe­guard their busi­ness inter­ests, pre­vent work­place harass­ment, and main­tain pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. How­ev­er, they must ensure these poli­cies do not vio­late employ­ee rights under fed­er­al and state law.

For exam­ple, the Nation­al Labor Rela­tions Act (NLRA) (29 U.S.C. § 157) pro­tects employ­ees who engage in “con­cert­ed activity”—discussions about wages, work­ing con­di­tions, or union­iz­ing efforts. The Nation­al Labor Rela­tions Board (NLRB) has ruled that employ­ers can­not dis­ci­pline work­ers for social media posts that fall under this pro­tec­tion (NLRB v. Pier Six­ty, LLC, 855 F.3d 115 (2d Cir. 2017)).

Employ­ers can take action against employ­ees for social media posts that:

  • Vio­late com­pa­ny poli­cies (e.g., harass­ment, dis­crim­i­na­tion, or con­fi­den­tial­i­ty rules).
  • Con­tain threats, hate speech, or defam­a­to­ry statements.
  • Cause sig­nif­i­cant rep­u­ta­tion­al harm to the employer.

How­ev­er, a blan­ket ban on work-relat­ed social media dis­cus­sions could vio­late fed­er­al labor laws.

Employee Privacy Considerations

Employ­ees should be aware that their social media activity—even on per­son­al accounts—can have work­place con­se­quences. While pri­vate-sec­tor employ­ees do not have First Amend­ment pro­tec­tions in the work­place, they are still pro­tect­ed from unlaw­ful ter­mi­na­tion under state and fed­er­al laws. In West Vir­ginia, wrong­ful ter­mi­na­tion claims can arise if an employer’s actions vio­late pub­lic pol­i­cy (Har­less v. First Nat’l Bank, 246 S.E.2d 270 (W. Va. 1978)).

Addi­tion­al­ly, some states pro­hib­it employ­ers from demand­ing access to employ­ees’ pri­vate social media accounts. West Vir­ginia does not cur­rent­ly have such a law, but employ­ers should be cau­tious when attempt­ing to mon­i­tor or dis­ci­pline employ­ees based on pri­vate social media activity.

Best Practices for Employers

To bal­ance busi­ness inter­ests with employ­ee rights, employ­ers should:

  • Devel­op a Clear Social Media Pol­i­cy: Out­line what is and isn’t accept­able, includ­ing pro­hi­bi­tions on shar­ing con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion, engag­ing in work­place harass­ment, or mak­ing false state­ments about the company.
  • Respect Con­cert­ed Activ­i­ty Pro­tec­tions: Ensure poli­cies do not unlaw­ful­ly restrict employ­ees from dis­cussing work­place issues.
  • Be Con­sis­tent with Enforce­ment: Avoid selec­tive­ly dis­ci­plin­ing employ­ees for social media activity.
  • Pro­vide Train­ing: Edu­cate employ­ees about pro­fes­sion­al social media use and poten­tial risks.

What Employees Should Keep in Mind

Employ­ees should:

  • Know Their Employer’s Pol­i­cy: Read and under­stand work­place social media rules.
  • Be Mind­ful of Pub­lic Posts: Even if a post is meant to be pri­vate, it could still be screen­shot­ted and shared.
  • Avoid Defama­tion or Harass­ment: Neg­a­tive opin­ions about work are one thing, but mak­ing false state­ments or harass­ing cowork­ers can lead to dis­ci­pline or termination.
  • Under­stand Legal Pro­tec­tions: If an employ­er takes action against an employee’s social media use, the employ­ee may have legal recourse under fed­er­al or state laws.


Social media in the work­place is a legal gray area that con­tin­ues to evolve. Employ­ers must bal­ance pro­tect­ing their inter­ests with respect­ing employ­ee rights, while employ­ees should be aware that their online actions can have pro­fes­sion­al con­se­quences. Clear poli­cies, prop­er train­ing, and aware­ness of legal pro­tec­tions can help both sides nav­i­gate this com­plex issue.

Drew M. Capuder
Fol­low me:

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