I generally addressed religion discrimination claims in a separate article today. This particle addresses a very important aspect of those types of cases, the “ministerial exception” which effectively precludes claims of discrimination against religious organizations where the role of the plaintiff involves “ministerial duties”. More about what that means below.
What is the ministerial exception?
The ministerial exception is a judicially created doctrine under U.S. law that exempts certain employment decisions made by religious organizations from scrutiny under employment discrimination statutes. Rooted in the First Amendment’s guarantees of the free exercise of religion and the prohibition against governmental establishment of religion, the ministerial exception recognizes that religious institutions have a constitutional right to choose their ministers without government interference.
In essence, the doctrine prevents courts from adjudicating claims that would require them to evaluate the qualifications of religious leaders, the duties they perform, or the validity of religious doctrines. As a result, when an employee’s role within a religious organization is deemed to be ministerial, courts generally decline to apply employment discrimination laws—such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)—to disputes over that individual’s employment.
Continue reading The Ministerial Exception for Religion Discrimination Claims